This is a common concern of most wig wearers, since cleaning is of utmost importance. If the wig is worn for approximately 12 hours a day, it should ideally be cleaned every 7-10 days. However, a lot of factors determine when the wig should be cleaned, such as: the type of wig, the products used, and the environment in which it is worn. So, you, as the owner of the wig, are the best judge of when to wash your wig, based on how you wear it and how often you style it. If you have already found something in our wig gallery, feel free to come in and discuss the proper care instructions while you try it on and get it fitted.

Women who style their hair regularly with hairspray are worried about whether it is safe to use on a wig. Well, hairspray that is NOT water soluble must NEVER be used on a wig, synthetic or natural. However, wig manufacturers do make hair sprays (pump or aerosol) that you can use without damage to your wig. 

Depending on the type of wig you are using, you should either de-tangle your strands with your fingers, or comb your wig starting the bottom, with a brush. Soft brushes are the most advisable. Hair picks are also a good option. In case you want to use a comb, use a wide-toothed comb, as opposed to a narrow-toothed one.

A wig should NEVER be stored in a box or a plastic bag. When you buy your wig, it is advisable to invest in a wire/plastic wig stand. This will ensure that your wig stays fresh and lasts a long time. Also, such a stand will prove to be a good place to dry your wig without stretching or souring, which can occur with a styrofoam head.

All the wigs in our wig gallery are adjustable. They can be made to fit your needs by tightening or loosening the velcro straps. However, if that is not enough, we can adjust the cap making it larger or smaller for a small fee. For women who have experienced total hair loss, we recommend the purchase of a Comfy Grip. It has the ability to secure your wig in place in a comfortable manner.

No. Innovations in wig designs have resulted in wigs that are lighter and more comfortable than ever before – many weigh less than 2 oz.

Most wigs are manufactured with 10% to 30% extra hair, so at first they might not look or feel natural. We customize the wig you are purchasing by thinning, trimming, and suiting it to you.

The answer to this question depends on why you are wearing the wig and how well you care for it. Women who undergo Chemotherapy or who have Alopecia usually need two to three ready-to-wear wigs in a year. ​In the case of custom-made human fiber wigs, the life span will be longer; however, it will need proper and intensive care.

Yes, you can do any of those things with your wig on!

Wearing a wig will not harm the scalp or inhibit regrowth. Many women choose to wear a wig because it can improve their self confidence. Other benefits of wearing a wig include maintaining body heat as well as preventing to overexposure of sensitive skin to the elements, e.g. sunburn.

No wig is better or worse. It all depends on what you are comfortable with, how much you are willing to invest, and how well you can take care of the wig. Human hair wigs are a larger investment in terms of finances, as well as care.

Synthetic Wigs vs. Human Hair Wigs

You can choose from two main types of wigs: synthetic hair wigs and human hair wigs. Human hair wigs are made from hair sourced from a number of places, and the most commonly used variety is the wigs made of temple hair from India. Although European hair is also quite popular, it is quite costly. Indian hair is very cost-effective and styles well.


Synthetic wigs are made out of synthetic fibers and now come in heat-friendly fibers as well. Here we’ll explore the pros and cons of both types of wigs.

Advantages of Human Hair Wigs

The biggest advantage of human hair wigs is that they look absolutely natural! They fall the way your normal real hair would fall, and they feel silky and soft. Also, human hair wigs come in shades that easily blend with your real hair. Human hair wig colors and shades are extremely natural looking and can better suit your skin tone, hair texture, and hair quality.


Another advantage of human hair wigs is that they do not frizz like synthetic wigs do. They can endure heat exactly the way our real hair can. In fact, you can get it styled any way you’d like! Hot curling rods, blow dryers, and crimping irons can all be used on your human hair wig. We suggest you use caution when using styling tools too often, though, as you could damage your human hair wig, just as you could your natural hair. You can also perm or color your human hair wig, just like natural hair.


A lot of times the wigs come in with metallic dyes on them and they cannot be colored properly. There are many pre-highlighted & permed choices that you can choose from, so here at STRUT we prefer to let the wig manufacturer do the coloring.


However, you can request virgin human hair wigs. These wigs are much more expensive but can be colored or permed easily. Hence, there is a wide range of styling that you can do to your human hair wig, but if you find that too much of a hassle you can simply choose from a wide variety of pre-styled wigs! Human hair wigs are in most cases longer lasting than synthetic wigs.

Disadvantages of Human Hair Wigs

Human hair wigs might be perfect for you. The problem with human hair wigs is that, just like your natural tresses, as soon as you wet it or as soon as you go to humid places, you can lose your hair style. When you wet your hair, it goes back to its original state and loses its style. Even when you get up in the morning if you have slept in your wig, most of your style will be gone. Hence, restyling and resetting is required. This means that human hair wigs require quite a lot of care. If you enjoy styling your hair and do not mind spending time tending to it, then this is not really a disadvantage for you. Another con of human hair is that it tends to be thicker and sometimes heavier than the synthetic hair.


Manufacturers are, however, coming out with lighter weight styles. You’ll see more choices here in the future. Also, though the shades that human hair wigs are available in are natural, it is a disadvantage for those who like bright or unusual colors. The color selection tends to be limited in case of human hair wigs.


Another thing you must keep in mind while getting a human hair wig is that if it has been chemically colored, the color of your wig might fade over time with usage, but then, this is also the case with our own natural hair when colored. Here again, maintenance with a color refresher is great. Lastly, remember that price can be a disadvantage here. Human hair wigs tend to be much more expensive than synthetic wigs.

Advantages of Synthetic Hair Wigs

The biggest advantage of synthetic hair wigs is that they come in vibrant and unique colors. You will find some of the most cutting-edge hair styles in synthetic wigs. You can find every style that you have in mind in synthetic hair. This is why they have been called ready-to-wear. You can just shake and go!


As far as styling goes, since the fiber is synthetic, the style never changes. If your synthetic wig gets wet, you do not have to worry, as it will not lose the pre-set style when it dries. This means that synthetic wigs are extremely easy to wear and to maintain.


Another  advantage of synthetic wigs is that the colors do not fade. The color of your wig will remain intact for a long time. Synthetic hair wigs have evolved over time and can look very natural, just like human hair wigs. Unlike some human hair wigs, synthetic hair tends to be lightweight. There are many different cap constructions that make some synthetic wigs so light that you’ll forget you are wearing it! When talking about price, it is an advantage as synthetic hair is much less expensive than human hair wigs. I often say to my clients: “Welcome to your new addiction”! You’ll have hair for every occasion.

Disadvantages of Synthetic Hair Wigs

The biggest disadvantage of a synthetic hair wig is that it can frizz. This is because synthetic hair cannot tolerate heat. You cannot use hot curling or straightening irons on your synthetic hair wig, as the synthetic fiber will burn and singe at the hot touch.


Also, if you are undergoing radiation treatment, your body can put off more heat than usual and cause your wig to frizz. I advise my clients that synthetic wigs can, ideally, look amazing for about 6 months with proper care.

Machine made wigs are usually made on a wafted foundation, whereas handmade wigs are made on light net foundation. Between the two, machine made wigs have a larger variety of styles and are most cost effective.

Wigs come in many cap constructions and it is advisable to do thorough research before choosing the right option for you. Below is all about the different cap constructions you can find on the market today.

Standard Cap Wigs

Standard cap wigs are perhaps one of the most common types of wigs. It is also one of the most affordable. In a standard cap wig, the hair is sewn by machine onto the cap of the wig. Standard cap wigs add volume to your hair and seem to give your hair a lift. The hair is pre-set and designed into a specific style. This is your least expensive cap.

Monofilament Cap Wigs

In monofilament cap wigs, you will find a thin material at the crown of the wig made up of either nylon or polyester mesh. This mesh is  extremely breathable– it gives the look and feel of skin. Also, your scalp is partially visible through the mesh, which gives an even more realistic look. The hair that comes with this type of a wig is hand tied individually, at the crown. This way, you can part the wig hair like your normal, natural hair. This is a good and preferred option as it gives a genuine look. It’s soft, comfortable and also quite versatile. These wigs are generally cost-effective.

Capless Wigs

Capless wigs are, as the name suggests, without caps and this makes them lighter and less warm than the other types of wigs. In these wigs, vertical lace strips replace the cap. These lace strips have enough space in between them, which makes them highly breathable! They also have great volume.

Hand-Tied Wigs

Hand-tied wigs are one of the best and most expensive wigs available in the market today. They do not have wefts and are, in STRUT’s opinion, the most natural looking wigs. They make use of mono-filament material throughout the wig cap. This also keeps the wig breathable and comfortable. They are 100% hand tied and usually weigh less than 2oz. These are great for the medical client, as the inside is very soft.

Vacuum Wigs

Vacuum wigs are also a popular type of wigs. They are custom made exactly for each client’s head. This is done by first taking a plaster mold of the wearer’s head. The wig is created according to this plaster’s size and fit. The wig is made for a perfect fit and to produce a suction on the wearer’s head. They have a silicon base. Hair is injected on this silicon base. Vacuum wigs tend to be warmer due to the solid base and might need some getting used to! The price of a vacuum wig is quite high because not only is it customized, but also has such fine detailing.​

Full Lace Wigs

Hand tied wigs, or full lace wigs, sound exactly like what they are; a lace fabric base in which synthetic or human hair is tied to and worn over the scalp. These can be 100% hand tied with human hair wigs or can be a combination of processed and hand tied wigs. Full lace wigs cover the whole scalp and can be worn with different hair styles underneath. 

Lace Front Wigs

Lace Front Wigs, sometimes called Front Lace Wigs, are a popular alternative to 100% hand tied wigs and full lace wings because usually command a lower price, offer more comfort and wearability. Lace front wigs come primarily in human lace front and synthetic lace front styles. Many celebrities have used lace front wigs to get the perfect hairline or for a quick hairstyle change. Lace front wigs can be used as a quick fix or to try out different styles. 

wigs come in a variety of styles from twists to waves and are usually a longer style wig.