Hair Loss Wigs

Reasons for Hair Loss

Hair loss is due to several factors. The influences on the hair cycle vary from person to person. While some factors cause permanent hair loss, others may be a temporary phase. This reference page, while not complete, covers most of the common causes of alopecia, chemotherapy and trichotillomania (hair loss) in both women and men.

Take a look below! 


Genetics play a major role in hair loss problems. Children who have even one parent suffering from hair loss are at a higher risk of facing hair loss, than a child whose parents do not have hair loss. 


The male hormone androgen often acts upon the hair follicles, leading to a reduction in size of the hair follicles. This reduces the diameter and, subsequently, the length of the hair produced by them. This phenomenon is often present in people with genetic hair loss.

Hypothyroidism (thyroid with reduced functioning) is also responsible for hair loss in men and women. Women suffer other hormone-related problems that affect the hair cycle and can lead to hair loss, such as taking birth control pills, having irregular menstruation, giving birth, and going through menopause.


At times hair loss is caused by illnesses. Certain illnesses are likely to result in hair loss, especially if high body temperature is part of the symptoms. Anesthesia given during surgery can also cause hair loss.

Lupus, an autoimmune disease, can also cause hair loss or affect the hair follicles and hair cycle.


A major cause of hair loss is medication. Lithium-based medicine, as well as anticoagulants, can lead to hair loss. Some treatments, such as chemotherapy, radiation therapy, cholesterol-synthesis-blocking agents, and Vitamin A doses, taken in large quantities, can also inhibit the growth of hair.


A common cause of hair loss is stress. Researchers tend to agree that during episodes of stress, the sensitivity of the skin towards the male hormone androgen increases, which causes an aggravation of a pre-existing genetic hair loss problem.

Telogen Effluvium (diffused shedding of hair) is often influenced by severe levels of stress. Trichotillomania (pulling out of hair) and Alopecia Areata (patchy hair) have been associated with stress as well.


The growth of the hair slows down due to undernourishment. Undernourishment results in a deficiency of fats, basic amino acids, and vitamins that are important for the growth of healthy hair.

Research conducted in the recent times proves that hair shedding can also increase due to low folic acid levels, deficiencies in vitamin B-12, and low iron stores.

Inadequate protein consumption, dieting to lose weight, and excessive intake of certain fat-soluble vitamins is also likely to lead to temporary hair loss.

Hairdressing & Hair Styling

Hair that has been over-processed is very brittle, and is thus subject to severe breakage. Traction Alopecia (breakage of hair) is caused when someone uses the hair dryer with high heat settings, or brushes their hair vigorously.​ Having the wrong hair extension method for your hair can also cause damage or breakage. 
Come in today for a hair analysis with your consultation  to see what solutions may be available for your particular hair needs!